Author = H
Role of FDG-PET/CT in Assessing the Correlation Between Blood Pressure and Myocardial Metabolic Uptake

Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 36-45


Chaitanya Rojulpote; Siavash Seraj; Mahdi Zadeh; Divya Yadav; William Raynor; Esha Kothekar; Abdullah Al-zaghal; Thomas Werner; Oke Gerke; Poul Hoilund-Carlsen; Abass Alavi

Sacroiliac joint asymmetry regarding inflammation and bone turnover: Assessment by FDG and NaF PET/CT

Volume 7, Issue 2, July 2019, Pages 108-114


Abdullah Al-zaghal; Dani Yellani; Esha Kothekar; Thomas Werner; Poul Høilund-Carlsen; Abass Alavi